Search For Talent

Searching for a candidate who brings value to your team?  Give us a moment to explain how and why we can recruit the best talent for you.  We know you’re busy (and most likely short-staffed or you wouldn’t be reading this), so we outlined our recruiting process below.  Because we are selective and detail-oriented recruiters, we thought it important for you to understand our approach.

Steps We Take To Work Together

  1. We begin with a phone call to discuss your hiring needs then schedule a visit at your location or by video meeting.
  2. We’ll spend time learning your company’s values, the requirements of the position, and gathering every piece of information needed to be able to understand and align ourselves with your organization. You could say we will be interviewing you! Our goal is to create a partnership so we can represent your organization as if we were part of it.
  3. Our search begins by networking with professionals we already know through our extensive networks. Next, we research and source candidates using an endless variety of internet search tools. Occasionally we will post a position on job boards, however, we’re pretty sure you have that approach covered. We prefer to use resources you have not explored. For example, we call into companies to “headhunt” and identify those who may not be active on job boards. Some of the best candidates are those working very hard at their jobs and do not have the free time to actively search for themselves. They are willing to learn about the potential for a better direction when the right call comes along.
  4. Interviews we conduct are summarized for you using a Candidate Profile Questionnaire.  Because we thoroughly understand who it is you are looking for, we forward the resume and Candidate Profile of only those whom we believe are most aligned with your company’s needs.
  5. You select the candidates you want to meet for a phone screening and/or face-to-face interview.  We arrange the interviews.
  6. We debrief the candidate after they’ve met with you. We deep dive to discover if they wish to move forward in the interview process. We also “pre-close” them on their desired salary based on their understanding of the position and its requirements. We do our best to discover exactly what the candidate thinks of the opportunity. We want to move forward in the interview process only if a candidate is excited to take it to the next step. We debrief you on the details of the candidate’s impressions. You share with us your impressions and tell us how accurate we were in the search. Sometimes we have to tweak our criteria, but most of the time we deliver who you were hoping to find.
  7. We negotiate and extend an offer on your behalf. We work solely on a contingency basis, so we are only paid once the candidate accepts your offer and passes the guarantee period of time as a new hire. The risk is really on us. We invest our time, resources, and costs in finding and developing the candidates we submit to you. Your costs are only due when you choose to hire our candidates.

We appreciate your time in reviewing this information.  We know how important it is to recruit the right talent and Cardinal Search, LLC would like to introduce those talented people to you.